Wednesday, 31 August 2011

School Journal Part 3 Number 2 2011

This material has come from

School Journal Part 3 Number 2  2011 has now been processed and is now in the Senior Resource Room.

Farah Palmer: In the Front Row
Rugby under Wraps

A Rock and a Hard Place

Farewell Song

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Google Presentations, Wikis and Blogs

This material has come from sharpjacqui

You could create a presentation like this on your own wiki or blog.

BOOK WEEK - Term Two - NZ Book Council - Visiting Author 2011


Visiting author Mark Sommerset spoke to children in Years 3, 4, 5, 6 about his books and writing.

Mangere East Librarian

We also had Lyndsey Smith – Librarian from Mangere East Library spoke to Area A classes.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Librarians change Lives - Gary Paulsen

I had to post this for all to read.
This is from Services in Schools by Miss Maple about Gary Paulsen's Life.

Many of us spent the holidays hunkered down and watching snowflakes drift past our windows, but Carrie Bouffard trotted off to Los Angeles to attend the 40th annual conference of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators.
Being in the same room as Judy Blume has left her a little dazed (and with a dopey grin on her face), but I managed to get her to tell me about her most inspiring moment:
All of the speakers were amazing, but I found Gary Paulsen to be the most inspirational speaker there. I have long been a fan of Hatchet, and Winterdance (his autobiographical tale of his first Iditarod) is one of my absolute favourite books, so I was prepared to be impressed.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the tragic tale of Paulsen’s early life. He described himself as a kid who didn’t just fall through the cracks but was “hammered through them.” His parents were both alcoholics and by the time he was ten years old he was spending much of his time living in the woods alone, where he ran trap lines to feed himself: “All that stuff in ‘Hatchet’ is true. It’s all stuff I’ve done.”
He used to wait until the bars closed each night and then beg the drunks for money (or rob them). One night he went into the public library to get warm, and his life changed.
The librarian signed him up for a library card and gave him a book. His parents and their problems were well known in the small town, but she gave him a card anyway and she even spelled his name right. All of a sudden he was “somebody” and he felt “honour-bound” to actually read the book because she had trusted him.
It took him six weeks to read that first book. He was failing school and not a strong reader, but he finished it and went back for another. Months went by and he was up to two or three books a week. “She would give me two Zane Grey westerns and slip in a Dickens.” He became a reader.
That librarian changed Gary Paulsen’s life. Reading changed his life. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house when he told us all that “everything I have become, I owe that woman, and she never even knew.”

Bonjour, butterfly

Nancy thinks butterflies are simply exquisite and she can't wait for her friend Bree's Butterfly Birthday. But when Nancy finds out she has to go to her grandparents' fiftieth anniversary party instead, she is furious! (Mad is far too plain for how she feels).
In this magical story, everybody's favourite fancy girl gets a surprise lesson in fancy from her own grandparents. Maybe fancy runs in the family after all!

Birthday Rain

Everyone hid - it's school today! But the little ones haven't counted on Big Mum Plum. Will school be so bad? Or will it be Big Mum Plum who is surprised?

Big Mum Plum

Everyone hid - it's school today! But the little ones haven't counted on Big Mum Plum. Will school be so bad? Or will it be Big Mum Plum who is surprised?

Thursday, 25 August 2011

School Journal Story Library

These Journals have been processed and are now are in the Senior Resource Room.  

The electronic resource (CD-Roms) are in the Teachers Resource Library that go with these Journals.

Material from TKI site.


School Journal Story Library Years 5-6

An Island in Time
Any Old Iron (The Art of Jeff Thomson)

School Journal Story Library Years 7-8

The Wild Deer Debate
The Bullet

Connected 1 & 2 & 3 2011

Connected 1 & 2 & 3 have been processed and are now in the Senior Resource Room

Connected 1 2011

Ruaumoko Rages

Ruaumoko Rages
Time Capsules
Understanding Volcanoes
Living with a Volcano

Connected 2 2011


Saffron's Skeleton
Building a Wharenui
More than a Box
Holding it all together

Connected 3 2011

Border Security

What is Biosecurity?
Protecting the Border
A Good Idea at the Time
A Helpful Immigrant
Fruit Fly Buster

Connected Resource

Daffodil Day Teacher Resource

26th August 2011

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The Berenstain Bears

The Berenstain Bears and the truth

When Brother and Sister Bear accidentally break Mama's favorite lamp, their little lie grows bigger and bigger, until Papa Bear helps them find the words that set everything right again
The Berenstain Bears and the blame game
Who's to blame? That's what everyone always wants to know. But the kernal of wisdom at the heart of this latest First Time Book is who really cares? Because -- let's face it -- there's always enough blame to go around. What matters is how we work together to fix the problem.

The Berenstain Bears and the excuse note

Sister Bear likes almost everything about school - her classmates, her teacher, and even the schoolwork. If it weren’t for gym class, things would be perfect. All those jumping jacks and deep knee bends make Sister hot, sweaty, and sore. But when a slight twist of fate gives her the chance to sit on the sidelines, will Sister stretch the truth instead of her arms?

Beastly Tales

A vulture who doesn't like leftovers; a chameleon who saves her fickle friends from a volcano; a skunk who wants a quiet, low-stress job; a heroic boa constrictor; and a rhino who wants to dance are all included in this quirky collection of stories. Funny and full of rhyming, alliteration and word play, these tales will captivate beginner readers.

Bear's Magic Pencil

"Bear was walking in the forest. Suddenly!" What happens next? Winners of the children's competition featured in The Sun decide! Children's Laureate, Anthony Browne, has collaborated with budding author-illustrators, aged 8 and under, to create an exciting and unique picture book -- combining Anthony's character -- the bear with the magic pencil -- with art and stories from the winning entries. Wherever Bear goes he takes his magic pencil with him. If ever he has a problem he just draws his way out of trouble -- whatever he draws becomes real ...Anthony Browne started the story of a bear with a magic pencil, and children aged eight and under were invited to join in and complete the story. Working with The Sun team, Anthony has selected the best ideas, and used them to create the rest of the story. The result is this fabulous picture book!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Baa Baa Smart Sheep

Little Baa Baa is bored so he decides to play a practical joke, telling Quirky Turkey that the pile of round, brown things on the ground are "Smarty Tablets". Who is smarter, sheep or turkey?

Avocado Baby

The Hargraves, a kind but scrawny family, want their new baby to grow up big and strong. But the tiny tyke will hardly eat a thing. One day, Mrs. Hargraves finds an avocado in the fruit bowl, and the infant gobbles it up. But then, the strangest things begin to happen as the baby develops superhuman strength. Just the book for picky eaters.

Another Happy Tale

Happily, Mabel and Ned are the parents of a new baby, but unhappily, they are not good at taking care of her. And thus begins a tale.


Rugby facts and stats. Fun ways to practice your maths skills

Rugby - All Blacks

How did the All Blacks get their name? What are the essential tools an All black needs?
Learn the answers to these questions and more inside the bumper Rugby Guide. Includes simple lessons on technique from your favourite players, and a glossary of rugby terms - so you too can be an expert.

IRB Rugby World Cup 2011 Team Guide

Get to know the teams taking part in Rugby World Cup 2011 with this fantastic team guide. Which team goes by the nickname 'Men in Green'? Who won the gold medal for rugby in the 1924 Summer Olympics? Includes quirky facts about the Tournament, and tips on the star players to watch out for. Make sure you're ready for Rugby World Cup 2011?
The Webb Ellis Cup; Argentina; Australia; Canada; England; Fiji; France; Georgia; Ireland

Rugby 2011

Table of contents includes: World Cup history -- 2007 to the present day -- Team breakdowns: -- Pool A -- Pool B -- Pool C -- Pool D -- Statistics -- The future
Summary: A guide to the 20 teams competing in the 2011 Rugby World Cup and their prospects and histories

Everything you every wanted to know about Rugby (but was to afraid to ask)

Table of contents includes: Why you should like rugby -- The history of rugby -- The basics -- Fouls, infringements and penalties -- Miscellaneous facets of the game -- The professional game -- Rugby's best XV -- The competitions -- Teams you should know about -- Important information for new fans -- Final word

50 Famous All Blacks

The stars of today, players from 100 years ago, and those from recent times all team up in 50 Famous All Blacks, a rugby book with a difference

The adventures of the dish and the spoon

Mini Grey's spin on the nursery rhyme classic "Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle" is a love story of sorts that starts when "the dish ran away with the spoon." In the midst of the Great Depression, Dish and Spoon become rich and famous vaudeville stars "until their taste for the high life puts them in debt to a gang of sharp and shady characters (depicted as evil knives). The cinematic presentation - with a touch of Bonnie and Clyde, a dash of - The Perils of Pauline" - proves that crime doesn't pay and love conquers all. A visual treat with new details to discover again and again, here is absurd good fun for the whole family. "From the Hardcover edition."

20 Winning Kids' Stories

A collection of short stories written by school children, selected from the winners and finalists of the 2010 Scholastic short story competition. Student ages range from primary to junior secondary.

The A.O.K. Project

Cameron's teacher has come up with a terminally stupid idea. It involves helping people in the community for no payment. Cameron must co-operate, people are expecting more from him this term. They want him to start off afresh like 'heading up a new white page'. But before he know it Rambo has escaped. Crumbly Day has arrived, and the bolts have started to appear...

999 Tadpoles Find a New Home

It is not often I review a picture book on this blog but this one tickled my fancy.
It is a Japanese story first published in 2003 but brought to us thanks to Gecko Press who do a lot of this and I am so glad they do.
Mother and father frog produce 999 eggs in a small pond and when all of them hatch into tadpoles and grow into frogs, things are a bit tight. They have to move, and away they go in single file across land.
The journey is like all journeys with children. “Are we there yet?” ” What is this dad?” as they drag out a sleeping snake.
A hungry hawk interrupts the journey to produce a surprise ending.
Yasunari’s illustrations are simple and expressive and fully support, indeed add to the impact of the written text.
Read-it Read-it read-it. This is for everyone.