Tuesday, 16 August 2011

999 Tadpoles Find a New Home

It is not often I review a picture book on this blog but this one tickled my fancy.
It is a Japanese story first published in 2003 but brought to us thanks to Gecko Press who do a lot of this and I am so glad they do.
Mother and father frog produce 999 eggs in a small pond and when all of them hatch into tadpoles and grow into frogs, things are a bit tight. They have to move, and away they go in single file across land.
The journey is like all journeys with children. “Are we there yet?” ” What is this dad?” as they drag out a sleeping snake.
A hungry hawk interrupts the journey to produce a surprise ending.
Yasunari’s illustrations are simple and expressive and fully support, indeed add to the impact of the written text.
Read-it Read-it read-it. This is for everyone.

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