This blog will house my work and resources that I've acquired over the years.
My blog started off with my previous employment when I was librarian assistant at the primary school.
School Library resources
This blog was previously called
You can view my other blog with my photography at
Summary: Once upon a time in a place called Aotearoa there roamed gigantic flightless birds called moa. Sadly they are now extinct, alive only in our dreams and imaginations - or are they? A tale of a young boy's encounter with the mighty Noah the Moa. (Publisher) Includes sheet music showing ukulele chords inside covers New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Once there was a soft brown toy called Dogger. One of his ears pointed upwards and the other flopped over. His fur was worn in places because he was quite old. He belonged to Dave. But the, one terrible day, Dave loses Dogger... Will Dogger ever be found?
Summary: This is a story that shows how devastating floods can be to homes and livelihoods. Whilst it is inspired by the 2011 Queensland floods, it could be about any of the disasters that strike our land, events that turn everyday Australians into heroes. FLOOD shows water mercilessly ripping through Queensland towns and then receding, leaving destruction and devastation in its wake. Told from the perspective of a cattle dog separated from its family, FLOOD helps children to understand the effects of a traumatic natural disaster without being too confronting, while the story of the little tugboat that pushes a boardwalk out to sea, staving off further disaster, gives children a hero they can relate to
Summary: The story of Manukura, the rare white kiwi which was born in captivity at Pukaha Mount Bruce in 2011. Includes facts about kiwi, and information about Pukaha Mount Bruce New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
While visiting the art gallery, Katie has an adventure stepping in and out of
five paintings by Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Cezanne. Includes information about
Post-impressionism and the particular paintings and artists in the story.
Suggested level: junior, primary
Rev. ed First published: 1994 Summary: Wildlife artist and birdwatcher Sandra Morris introduces fourteen New Zealand birds. Looking at birds of the mountains, forest, coast and sea, Sandra tells how they got their names, how they feed, sing or call, and how they nest and raise a family. (Back cover)
Summary: Rose and Tim encounter Badjelly the witch who can turn children into sausages or chop them into boy-girl soup, but they are rescued by Jim the Giant Eagle. Suggested level: primary
Rev. ed Cover title "Produced by Te Roopu Whakaoranga o te Taha Moana Trust to promote the conservation and sustainable management of our sand dunes and sea shore and native flora and fauna"--Cover verso Summary: While visiting his Nana, Raniera discovers from her how very important even the smallest things are in the ecology of the seashore. He learns about pingao and its relationship with the environment. Includes factual information on pingao New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator First ed.: 2008
'I WAS LOST IN THE DESERT. WITHOUT TRANSPORT. WITHOUT WATER. WITHOUT A HOPE.' Sam Fox is on a caving expedition in the desert when the roof collapses, trapping his brother Nathan beneath tonnes of rubble/ Nathan is in a bad way, and Sam's his only hope. But when he reaches the cave exit, Sam discovers a sea of huge, angry scorpions! And that's just the first deadly obstacle he will have to face if he's to get his brother out alive... An action-paced rollercoaster ride, SCORPION STING is the most exciting Extreme Adventure yet!
Other Title: Field trip terror Summary: Andy's trying to live an ordinary life, despite his extraordinary powers ..... But when a field trip goes terribly wrong, should he save his new friends and risk blowing his cover? With the evil Dr Baffi on his trail, it could be the last decision he'll ever make
Horse-crazy! ; Bonnie and Sam are best friends. No one loves horses they way they do. When Bonnie whispers to them , they understand, and Sam always knows if they need a drink, or a hug, or a race around the paddock. The girls ride together whenever they can. This summer they have a great adventure when they go mustering sheep and find suspicious tracks leading out to the beach...
Summary: A baby bird is hatched while his mother is away. Fallen from his nest, he sets out to look for her and asks everyone he meets -- including a dog, a cow, and a plane -- "Are you my mother
Summary: Jade is resigned to spending the summer schooling troublesome Taniwha in the paddock, until she gets some good news. Becca's Aunt Flora who has a riding school by the beach, takes an interest in Taniwha, who has potential as an endurance horse. Would Jade be interested in spending a few weeks helping out around the school and learning about endurance riding? Of course! To Jade, the riding school is heaven. Unfortunately she isn't the only one to thinks so. A property developer is determined to evict Flora and build luxury beach houses on the land New Zealand author
Summary: Albert lives in an ordinary house with an ordinary cat and dog and leads an unexciting life, until one day something extraordinary happens. Suggested level: junior, primary
Summary: Retelling of a traditional Maori legend of how Maui fished up the North Island of New Zealand (Te Ika a Maui) by sneaking onto his brothers' canoe after they had refused to take him fishing
Summary: Mr Ngata likes to take his grandchildren to the beach to have lunch and feed the birds. The rowdy seagulls are quick to spot the bread but one bigger gull always seems to miss out on his share. The children ask why and discover that Ngoiro is a teenager, with bigger wings and oversize feet that make him awkward and clumsy. As the children watch, a dog suddenly lunges at Ngoiro; the bird is rescued, taken to a local women who takes in injured animals, and the children visit him every day. (Publisher) New Zealand author
Summary: Andrew has always wanted a playmate and is more than eager to play with the stray ginger cat. However, his exuberance and rough handling drive the cat away. Andrew follows but comes face to face with an over-excited dog who is equally pleased to find someone to play with. Justice is done and Andrew learns a lesson in gentleness
Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa. She can't wait to fly across the world and visit her granny in Canada. But can she find enough warm clothes for the cold winter weather? And will her family miss her?
Summary: Sir Walter is holding a banquet at Flamant Castle, but Tommy overhears one of the castle's enemies plotting to poison him. Unless she can foil the plot Flamant will be at war! Can an unusual cure for a cold save the day
Christopher is feeling lonely because his mother is busy with the new triplets. Jerry, Josh and Jane. he is so lonely he could scream... and scream... and SCREAM. His neighbour, Molly MacNamara, is feeling the same way and one Monday morning, at exactly ten o'clock she does just that...
One day a tiny insect, no bigger than a freckle, climbs into Miss Calypso's classroom. Nobody notices until... Polly scritches, Joshua scratches and soon the whole class is scritching and scratching. It won't help you get rid of the little critters, but at least it will make you laugh as you scratch. A really jolly gift for all those children and parents (and grand-parents) who get uptight about nits.
Enthralled by her grandmother’s story of seeing and hearing whales singing in
the sea long ago, Lilly hopes to see them herself and to hear their mysterious
Contents: 1. Is it a planet? -- 2. In the Solar System -- 3. The dwarf planets -- 4. Studying dwarf planets Summary: They're round and orbit the Sun. But they're not planets. What makes a dwarf planet different? Get up close to the five dwarf planets that call our solar system home. (Publisher)
Summary: Suddenly, a shadow fell across my brother. It was Spud. She had appeared without a sound, like a ninja librarian. Will and his brother Marty are doomed to spend their holidays in the library. If they put a foot wrong Mrs Murphy, the legendary librarian, will use her dreaded gas-powered spud gun and they don't want that - just ask Ugly Frank how he got his nickname! But in Will and Marty, has Spud Murphy met her match.....?
Other Title: Laugh out louds : Previously published in 2000 as: June Factor's juicy jumping joke book Summary: Why do bulldogs have such flat noses? Because they keep chasing parked cars. What is a twip? A twip is what a wabbit takes when it wides on twains. What must you be careful not to do when it's raining cats and dogs? Step in a poodle. A laugh-out-loud collection of jokes, riddles, rhymes and sayings from kids around Australia. (Back cover)
Horse-crazy! ; Bonnie and Sam are best friends. No one love horses the way they do. When Bonnie whispers to them, they understand and Sam always knows if they need a drunk, or a hug, or a race around the paddock. The girls ride together whenever they can, and they have the best adventures, like that time the wild shadow brumby slipped into town.
Summary: The daily life of a regular young bat, his run-ins with Mr Forster the mean maths teacher, and other adventures including Vamp's dares, the Festival of Exploding Stars (Guy Fawkes), the Shining (Sun) and meeting his dad. (Publisher) New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Dinosaurs have taken over the Earth! They're stomping and stamping all over the place. Children will love finding out why in this classic environmental tale from best-selling author Michael Forman.
Summary: When you take afternoon tea with Miss Tilly, there is no knowing where you will end up: from ancient Egypt to outer space, via Atlantis and Loch Ness. What is for sure is that you'll have one amazing ride and a generous helping of fun New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Summary: The story of the 1886 Tarawera eruption is imagined through the eyes of a nine year old Maori boy living in Rotorua. Suggested level: junior, primary
Contents: E kore au e ngaro : ancestral connections to the Pacific / Peter Adds -- Explorers and pioneers : the first Pacific people in New Zealand / Janet Davidson -- Visitors : Tupaia, the navigator priest / Anne Salmond -- Little-known lives : Pacific Islanders in nineteenth-century New Zealand / Sean Mallon -- A Pacific destiny : New Zealand's overseas empire, 1840-1945 / Damon Salesa -- Barques, banana boats and Boeings : transport and communications, 1860s to the present day / Gavin McLean -- FIA (Forgotten in action) : Pacific Islanders in the New Zealand armed forces / Kolokesa Mahina-Tuai -- A land of milk and honey? : education and employment migration schemes in the postwar era / Kolokesa Mahina-Tuai -- Empowering Pacific peoples : community organisations in New Zealand / Cluny Macpherson -- Trade and exchange : economic links between the Pacific and New Zealand in the twentieth century / Geoff Bertram -- All power to the people : overstayers, dawn raids and the Polynesian Panthers / Melani Anae -- Good neighbour, big brother, kin? : New Zealand's foreign policy in the contemporary Pacific / Teresia Teaiwa -- Representing the people : Pacific politicians in New Zealand / Graeme Whimp -- Conspicuous selections : Pacific Islanders in New Zealand sport / Sean Mallon -- Arts specific : Pacific peoples and New Zealand's arts / Fulimalo Pereira -- Epilogue : tangata, moana, whenua / Damon Salesa Summary: Aotearoa New Zealand is home to a large Pasifika population. This illustrated history tells their stories - from the legendary feats of the ancestors of modern Maori, to the politically explosive dawn raids of the 1970s, and beyond. This book is illustrated with historical and contemporary photos and archival documents. Drawing on a rich cache of oral history, it is a record of over a thousand years of discovery, encounter, and cultural exchange
When Lake Eyre, created by a great flood in the central Australian desert, begins to dry up, Pinta, the pelican, leads her children Preen, Plume, and Pannikin on the long and difficult journey to the coast. When a flood fills the desert basin of Lake Eyre in Central Australia, pelicans flock to live there. But as the lake begins to dry up again, the pelicans must fly across the desert to the southern coast, in order to survive. This is the story of one family of pelicans who have to make that long, hard journey. Text portrays the physical characteristics, habitats and behaviour of pelicans.
Summary: Before he becomes a bush, Toda's father is a pastry chef. He gets up at the crack of dawn to bake twenty different sorts of pastries and three kinds of cake. Until, one day, everything changes. Fighting breaks out in the south and Toda's father has to go there to defend his country. Luckily he has a manual called 'What every soldier needs to know'. This tells him how to hide from the enemy by using branches and leaves to disguise himself as a bush. Toda remains in the city with her grandmother but even there it's no longer safe. She is sent to stay with her mother who lives across the border. Toda's journey is full of adventure and danger. But she doesn't give up. She has to find her mother. (Publisher)
Other Title: Princess and the pea Hansel and Gretel based on the fairy story by the Grimm Brothers; The princess and the pea based on the story by Hans Andersen
Anna Hibiscus lives in Africa. Amazing Africa. The hen's eggs have just hatched, all except for one. If Anna carries it around with her and keeps it war, will it turn into a chick too?
Based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen The King and Queen are having a hard time finding a real Princess to marry their son. So they think of a special test...
Paperback ed On title page and cover: with paintings from the National Gallery Summary: On their annual Dogs' Night, all the dogs depicted in an art gallery leave their paintings to play, but four of them create a sensation by going back into the wrong paintings. Includes information about the real paintings shown
Originally published in 1993 as: Monsters are knocking Includes half-pages Monsters are knocking Who's that knocking at our front door? Can you guess? Full of surprises, this warm and funny book will delight young children as they open the door to discover who has come to visit.
Rev. ed Who are the creatures in the dress-up cupboard? Full of surprises, this warm and funny book will delight you children as they turn the page to discover who is hiding behind each door.
Table of contents: The pearls of the South Seas -- Tangaroa : god of the sea -- Ati and the water fairies -- Legend of the drum -- Tangiia and the sea turtle -- Ina and the shark -- Stolen mountain -- The legend of Paikea Summary: A collection of eight illustrated legends from the Cook Islands. Set in a mythological time known as Avaiki, these stories tell of brave men and women, mystical mountains, powerful gods and majestic sea creatures
Summary: Percy and his friends find lots of things to eat after a busload of school children stop to eat their lunch. But when the bus pulls away Percy notices that one of his chicks is missing New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Summary: Explores the cycle of seasons, the passage of time, the way people live, play, forget, and remember Translation of: Saisons
A stunning book exploring the cycle of seasons, the passage of time, the way people live, play, forget, remember ... Through objects, places and actions, the world is revealed as both permanent and ever-changing.
English ed Translated from German - by Monika Smith Adapted- by Penelope Todd Summary: Robert is different from all the other ravens. He is downright chirpy, loves to dress up, dance, sing and tell jokes. The other ravens don't like his inappropriate ways, and eventually Robert decides to leave home to find his place in the world, with surprising results. Suggested level: junior
Summary: Boo is a gnu. The one and only BLUE gnu. Boo is unique - until he meets Hoo. Hoo is blue too, and he wants to be friends with Boo. But Boo doesn't want to be friends, he wants to be unique. Boo tries everything to make himself stand out - jumping in bushes, in mud, painting himself with berries. Nothing works quite as planned, and what's worse, Hoo does the same - Hoo wants to match Boo. Boo is frustrated. Then Hoo loses Boo, and Boo realises he'd much rather have a friend, because everything's much more fun with two. (Publisher) New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Summary: Wonder is the funny, sweet and incredibly moving story of Auggie Pullman. Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old, but he is far from ordinary. Born with a terrible facial deformity, this shy, bright ten-year-old has been home-schooled by his parents for his whole life, in an attempt to protect him from the stares and cruelty of the outside world. Now, for the first time, Auggie is being sent to a real school - and he's dreading it. Auggie sees himself as just an ordinary kid and all he wants is to be accepted. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all
Summary: Mother Fantail builds a nest for her eggs to keep them safe, but hungry Rat is out on the prowl. Includes factual information about fantails, a list of Maori words, and a key to the plants and animals that live in the fantail's forest New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Pbk. ed Viking Books Illustrations include hidden puzzles ISBN for original hardback appears on t.p. verso Little Ngiri is the Smallest Warthog in Africa. Tired of being teased by his bigger brothers and sisters, he wishes things could be different. When Old Ngumbu the Wildebeest gives Ngiri a set of magic drums, he is sure his wish is about to come true. But all the animals of the jungle are in for a BIG surprise as Ngiri's wish is granted in a most unexpected way.
When Nicky was one she tipped spaghetti on her head. When Ernie was two he climbed into the fish tank. And when Frank was four he ate three packets of fruity fish! Follow a delightful group of children ash the discover and celebrate their individual differences.