Other Title: I am Tawhiri
Bilingual ed
English language version first published: 1995, as part of Waiatarua myths series. Maori language version first published: 1996, as part of Purakau Waiatarua series
Summary: Describes the powers of Tawhiri, God of the winds, who can bring storms, help birds to fly, and make waves on the sea. Includes notes on Maori pronunciation. Suggested level: junior
Bilingual ed
English language version first published: 1995, as part of Waiatarua myths series. Maori language version first published: 1996, as part of Purakau Waiatarua series
Summary: Describes the powers of Tawhiri, God of the winds, who can bring storms, help birds to fly, and make waves on the sea. Includes notes on Maori pronunciation. Suggested level: junior
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