Friday, 24 February 2012

Antarctica : The Unfolding Story

Table of contents: The geography of Antarctica : The continent. The islands. Dry valleys and lakes -- The geology of Antarctica : Fossils and meteorites -- The glaciology of Antarctica : Ice, icebergs and glaciers -- The climate of Antarctica : Climate and atmosphere -- The biology of Antarctica : Microbial life. Plant life. Antarctic fish. Whales. Seals. Penguins. Other sea birds -- The exploration of Antarctica : The unknown land. To the South Pole. Amazing adventures. The aeroplane. Modern explorers. Private expeditions. Animals in Antarctica -- Science in Antarctica : The International Geophysical Year (IGY). The Antarctic Treaty. Setting up stations. The work of scientists. The Antarctic ozone hole. The greenhouse effect -- The future : Conservation. Historic huts. Tourism. New Zealand's role in Antarctica
Summary: Includes comprehensive sections on geography, geology, glaciology, plant life, animal life, science, exploration, conservation and tourism, the ozone hole and climate issues. Also includes information on New Zealand's role in Antarctica

'Antarctica - The Unfolding Story' is a journey of discovery. Explore the ice, mountains, valleys and islands of Antarctica with each new page. find out amazing facts about the plants and animals that survive in freezing conditions.

Discover how famous explorers like Amundsen, Scott and Shackleton withstood the harsh Antarctic environment. Find out about the achievements of New Zealander, Sir Edmund Hillary and other recent Antarctic expeditions from around the world.
Learn how countries cooperate in Antarctic research to further global scientific understanding. Exciting photographs depict how the people involved in scientific research live and work at modern Antarctic bases.

Find out about New Zealand's role in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Discover how you too can visit the continent as a researcher, support worker, artist or tourist and become a part of the unfolding story of Antarctica.

New Zealand Author.

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