Friday, 29 July 2016

My autosaurus will win! (Geronimo Stilton Cavemice #10)

Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: It's the start of an exciting cavemice contest: a race to Boulder Bay and back! It's a dangerous route, but it will supply the village cheese maker with rare hot lava peppers, and there's a big cash prize. Trap teams up with Geronimo -- who has a lazy, slow, city autosaurus (the cavemice mode of transportation). Can they reach the finish line without going extinct on the way

Rescue rebellion (Geronimo Stilton Spacemice #5)

Spacemice ;
Appeals to 2nd-4th graders. Reading level grade 4. (Back cover)
Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: Geronimo Stilton meets outer space in this cosmically fun spin-off series! Geronimo Stiltonix and his crew head to the planet Jurassix to warn its inhabitants of a giant comet heading straight toward them! But the creatures there turn out to be ferocious, dinosaur-like beasts... who like to eat rodents. Squeak! Can the spacemice save these aliens and still make it out alive

Mouse house hunter (Geronimo Stilton #61)

Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Appeals to 2nd-4th graders; reading level grade 4. (Back cover)
Summary: When you're with me, Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabu-mouse adventure! Sally Ratmousen broke some shocking news: The Rodent's Gazette was out of money and in danger of closing. Then Grandfather William broke even worse news to me: I needed to sell my comfy, cozy house in order to save our paper! How terrible! But could I sell it - and find a new home - in time to help?(Back cover)

Friends not forever

Summary: It is Ella's big chance for a starring role in this year's school play. But while Peach Parker is busy trying to stop Ella from succeeding, Zoe ends up winning the prize part. Zoe spends all her time rehearsing with the new girl, Amethyst, so Ella tells her to go be her new best friend. Will Ella and Zoe patch up their friendship in time to save the play

Farm Rescue ( Pup Patrol #1)

Summary: Stamp is having a pawfectly wonderful time travelling around the country with James in the Fourby 4WD and then it starts to rain. And rain and rain and rain. It rains until the Fourby is all muddy, James's hair is damp and Stamp starts to smell like wet dog! It rains so much that they have to stop at Pepper Plains Farm for somewhere warm and dry to stay. But all the rain's making the river rise. Will James and Stamp be able to help the folks at Pepper Plains Farm

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Spooky smack down (Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! # 2)

Summary: Buckle up for Wheelnuts! the craziest race on Earth! Six kooky cars, five extreme courses, one winner! In Spooky smack down, drivers will find that the road ahead is dangerous. Can they deal with: haunted castles?! Ferocious dragons?! Ravenous vampire bats?! Which team will come out on top? The rules are simple, there are no rules

Rainforest rumble (Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! # 5)

Summary: Six crazy cars, five extreme courses, one winner. Drivers will find that the road ahead is dangerous. Can they deal with vicious creepy crawlies, ravenous crocodiles and spooky monkey temples? Which team will come out on top? The rules are simple - there are no rules! (Back cover)

On the story sea (Lola's Toybox #2)

When Lola is given an old toy box, she discovers it’s a magical passageway …

Lola and Buddy are aboard Pirate Sal's ship. Can they help the pirates protect the Story Sea?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Old School

 Other Title: Old school
Summary: Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive

Space mash : (Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! #3)

Summary: In Space Mash, drivers will find that the road ahead is dangerous. Can they deal with: Hungry aliens?! Showers of meteorites?! Zero gravity rocket racing?! Which team will come out on top

Deep sea dash (Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! #4)

Wheelnuts! ;
Summary: Eccentric billionaire Warren 'Wheelie' Wheelnut has decided to mount the biggest, maddest, most off-the-scale competition ever! He has created five extreme racetracks: from underwater to the desert, outer space, a haunted town and the jungle... Deep Sea Dash takes the teams on an adventure beneath the waves to face polar bears, giant squid and undersea volcanoes! Which team will defeat sharks, jellyfish and more, to cross the finish line first

Desert dust up : (Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! #1)

Summary: Buckle up for Wheelnuts! the craziest race on Earth! Six kooky cars, five extreme courses, one winner! In Desert dust up, the drivers must deal with: terrifying ravines! Giant scorpions! Huge skulls! Which team will come out on top? The rules are simple - there are no rules

Catching a wave

Ava Anne Appleton' s amazing adventure continues and the next stop for the Appleton family is the beach! Sun, sand, surf sensational! But when Ava meets a new friend who needs her help, will she be adventurous enough to dive in and lend a hand?

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Pony school showdown

Summary: Ella decides to join Zoe at Pony School for the holidays and when meanie Peach Parker turns up, they fear it will be the worst idea ever! But the tables turn when Peach is knocked off her perch by posh girls Letitia and Lavinia. Will Ella's love of horses be ruined by the new snobs in town? And most confusing of all... is Ella starting to feel sorry for Peach

Anna & Elsa #1 : All Hail the Queen

Sisterhood is the strongest magic.

Now that the gates of the castle are open. Anna and Elsa are thrilled to finally get to know their kingdom. Anna bubbles with enthusiasm for all the things to do and people to meet in Arendelle, and Elsa loves using her magic to help the town. But ruling a kingdom can be tiring - and more than anything, the sisters want to spend time together.

Attack of the dragons

Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: The micekings are in a panic. The village's best cook is ill, and until she recovers, there's no delicious stew to eat! Geronimo Stiltonord departs immediately in search of a cure for her. But on the way, he ends up snout-to-snout with terrifying dragons! Can he make it back with his fur intact

The treasure of Easter Island

Translation of: Il tesoro di Rapa Nui
Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: Holey cheese - my sister, Thea, was in danger! She had traveled to Easter Island in search of a secret treasure, and now she needed my help. There was no time to lose! My friends and I hopped on a plane to begin our search, aided by a map and a mysterious riddle. What an exciting adventure

The underwater planet

Spacemice ;
Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: While at the beach, Geronimo Stiltonix stumbles upon a mysterious treasure map! The spacemice follow it and end up on Aquarix, a planet that's entirely underwater. During their exploration, they face fur-eating seaweed, ferocious piranha aliens and...pirate spacecats! Can the spacemice keep the spacecats from stealing their treasure

The invisible thief

The jewellers of Muskrat City are in trouble. A thief has been stealing precious diamonds, and the thief is...invisible! Can the Heromice protect Duchess Marilyn Mousekovia and her precious gemstone during her visit to Muskrat City? And more importantly, will they catch the elusive Invisible Thief?

Thea Stilton and the ghost of the shipwreck

Summary: While five mice at Mouseford Academy are looking for their missing biology professor they dive to a haunted shipwreck off Whale Island to find a rare diamond that was lost when the ship sank

The patchwork picnic (Lola's Toybox #1)

Summary: When Lola is given an old toy box, she discovers it's a magical passageway. To a world where toys come to life! Do teddy bears really have picnics? Are plastic toys really nastier than soft ones? Follow Lola and her trusty but rather wonky learn-to-dress clown, Buddy, on their adventures in the Kingdom, where toys live when they aren't being played with in the real world

Nellie Belle

At the beach! In the street! Nellie Belle has friends to meet! Wouldn't you like to join her? Meet Nellie Belle, a dog who has fun ... everywhere! Well mostly.

One Sunday

Summary: Outside the wind blew. The trees groaned. And the tiny wooden house creaked. Inside, a delicious roast dinner was cooking. The little old man was expecting visitors. The little old woman said no one would come. Who was right? Come inside where it's cosy and warm, and wait... You might get a big surprise

The House on the Hill

Summary: A haunting tale set in rhyme, detailing two little ghosts making their way up the path to the house on the hill on a dark and scary night. Features a twist at the end involving a Halloween surprise. (Publisher)

Pig the winner

 Other Title: Pig the pug winner
The word 'pug' is crossed out on the title page and cover
Summary: Pig, the world's greediest pug, won't play fair. He'll do anything to win. (Back cover)

The cloud castle

First edition
Summary: Thea Stilton and her sisters travel to the magical land of clouds to discover why the clouds are disappearing

The race against time

First edition
Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami
Summary: Geronimo Stilton travels back in time to the Ice Age, ancient Greece, and Renaissance Italy, where he experiences wild historical adventures

Friday, 8 July 2016

Pig the Fibber

 Other Title: Pig the pug fibber
The word "pug" is crossed out on the title page and cover
Summary: He's back! But this time Pig, the world's greediest Pug, is telling great big lies. Won't he ever learn

10 little monsters visit Washington

10 Little Monsters, looking for fun,
Take a trip to Washington.
10 Little Monsters, they can t wait
'Cause Monsters love the Evergreen State
From the trail of Lewis and Clark to Mount Rainier and Pike Place Market, these 10 Little Monsters discover some of the most unique and interesting things about Washington and what it has to offer. Silly, over-the-top fun, and a bit macabre, 10 Little Monsters Visit Washingtonis the perfect book for every little boy and ghoul!"

Golden Kiwis

First edition
ISBN from sticker on back cover
Summary: Who was the first New Zealander to win an Olympic gold medal? Which Kiwi Olympian wore nappies when he competed? Which paralympian won her first gold medal at the ages of fifteen? Who was named New Zealand Olympian of the century? Golden Kiwis has the answers to these questions and brings you the inspirational stories behind every Olympic gold medal won by a New Zealander. (Back cover)
The book includes:
- Descriptions of Kiwi gold medal winning performances
- Links to video footage
- Lessons we all can learn about success

Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to keep kids safe with dogs

Revised edition
On cover: By Pauline Blomfield and Buddy
On cover: Dogs can talk. Bonus section for adults. Learn a dog's body language and important signs of canine behaviour
Previous edition: 2011
Summary: Uses a story format to introduce seven important lessons to help keep children safe around dogs

May I pet you dog? : The how-to-guide for KIDS meeting DOGS (and DOGS meeting KIDS)

Children encounter dogs wherever they go: in the park, on the sidewalk, at their friends’ homes. Sometimes it’s love at first sight, on both sides—but not always. The right way for a child to approach a dog to ensure that the first connection is a complete success begins with this question to the owner: “May I pet your dog?” Using Harry the dachshund as a gentle guide, Stephanie Calmenson addresses this valuable yet overlooked topic with care and precision, and Jan Ormerod’s warm illustrations portray a wide variety of breeds and personalities and depict situations that are realistic but never scary. Unique and straightforward, this is the essential guide to bringing children and dogs together—for kids and parents alike.
Summary: Harry the dog explains how to safely meet him and his friends.

Be a dog's best friend

Be A Dog's Best Friend is written in the voice of Ema, a ten-year-old with a wealth of information about how to safely interact with dogs. Ema takes her readers on a tour of all of the dogs in her life, offering tips along the way of how to best approach new dogs, play with familiar dogs, and steer clear of dogs unknown to her. Be A Dog's Best Friend features clear illustrations of dogs demonstrating inviting and uninviting body language, as well as demonstrations of do's and don'ts. The language used is geared toward children ages six to ten years of age. For children younger than six, adults can use the text and pictures to begin a dialogue.


Contents includes: What's that sound? -- How is sound made? -- Seeing sounds -- Sounds near and far -- Loud sounds, quiet sounds -- Pitch --Elastic bands and strings -- Wind instruments -- Speed of sound -- Sounds in solids and liquids -- Sound insulation -- Ears
Summary: Looks at how sound moves; how fast sound travels; and what happens when sound waves reach our ears. Discover how sounds can be high, low, loud or quiet

My shadow clock

My shadow clock. On a sunny day, we have a shadow. Our shadow is like a clock. This book tells you why. (back of book)

Wednesday, 6 July 2016


On back cover: Book band level: lime
Contents: Shadows -- Making shadows -- Activity: light lines -- What blocks light? -- Activity: light testers -- Shadow shapes -- Activity: shadow puppets -- Shadow sizes -- Activity: silhouettes -- Changing shadows -- Activity: sundial -- In the shade -- Activity: snow goggles


Contents includes: Amazing sound -- Vibrations -- Ears -- Loud and quiet -- Low and high -- Big and small -- Travelling sound -- Near and far -- Echoes -- Music -- Sending sound

Sound and hearing

Science corner
Readers will learn how sounds are made, how we hear them, how we use them, and where sounds can travel. Each book in the My World of Science series explains science that you see in the world around you and use every day.