Friday, 29 June 2012

The Call of the Kokako

Summary: Picture book about how the kokako, an endangered New Zealand wattlebird, is being saved, and the successful quest of one conservationist to save ten kokako from a forest about to be felled

Mind your Gramma!

Other Title: Mind your grammar
Summary: Gramma asks me about my day, and I say, Me and my friend played soccer. She says, My friend and I played soccer. I say, At your age? A humorous story of a Grandma who tries to get her grandchild to speak correctly
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

The Unbeatable Boys' Book - how to be the ultimate champion

Summary: Tips and tricks to help achieve success in games, sports and recreation

The Fabulous Girls' Book - discover the secret of being fabulous

Be Fun, Be Fiesty.
Be Fabulous.
From making your own tiara to performing the perfect pedicure, the tips and tricks in this book will help you stand out from the crowd.
Every girl deserves to look and feel great.

Bog Frog Hop

Summary: The soggy bog is home to ten polliwogs. They splosh and splash together in the rain and mud, until one polliwog turns into a frog. Now there are nine polliwogs in the soggy bog and one frog on the mossy log. As the rain continues to fall, more and more polliwogs turn into frogs and the bog comes to life with colour and sound. Even the local scriffy scruffy dog cannot resist the bog-frog hop

Inside Your Outside!

1st ed
On cover: All about the human body
I'm the Cat in the Hat
here to share some good news.
From the tips of your hair to the toes in your shoes...

Is A Camel A Mammal?

I'm the Cat in the Hat
And I'm writing a book.
It's all about mammals.
Come on, take a look!

Farmer Beetroot's Birthday

Summary: The story of a birthday party that doesn't go quite according to plan
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Would you rather be a Bullfrog?

Summary: Poses questions for pondering: "Would you rather be a dog or be a cat?", "Would you rather live in igloos or in tents?", Would you rather be a mermaid with a tail instead of feet?"

Thursday, 21 June 2012

School Journal - June 2012

This material has come from


School Journal June 2012  - Level 3 has now been processed and is now in the Senior Resource Room.

Heartbeat by Andre Ngapo
Living on a Shoestring by Nyree Tomkins
Tom and the Look-around by Sue Gibbison
A Piece of paradise by Leonie Thorpe

Kaupapa Kereru by Ross Calman
Mmm, That's Tasty! by Neville Gardner
Ancient History by Philippa Werry

Tarere Ana Au by Hirini Melbourne

BOOK WEEK - Term Two - NZ Book Council - Visiting Author 2012

BOOK WEEK - Term Two - NZ Book Council - Visiting Author 2012


Check out her books on her website.

Chris as just place resources for her books onto her website.

Visiting author Chris Gurney spoke to Favona children in about writing books on Monday 18th June 2012.

Children just loved acting out the scenes in their props while she read her books to the audience.

Children just love the Kiwi Corkers Series.

Thanks Chris, Favona had a wonderful time!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

School Journal Story Library

School Journal Story Library - Level 4

These Journals have been processed and are now are in the Senior Resource Room. 

Support material from the TKI site

The White Mouse

The White Mouse by Leon Davidson

Sky High

Rocket Club by Feana Tu'akoi
Blast from the Past by David Hill

Friday, 8 June 2012

Marimba music. 2 : more easy arrangements for diatonic marimbas, xylophones and other instruments

This now has been processed and is for issue from the Teacher Resource Library.

Book includes - Music CD-Rom

Content -- Introduction -- Teaching Hints -- Captain Bob -- The Bridge at Mostar -- The Ocean -- Kakadu Kolo -- My Father's House -- Albatross Rock -- Street Parade Music -- Walkin' The Buzz -- Quickstep -- Heel and Toe and Tea at Vees -- Tomalom -- Township Taxi -- Bendigo and Bali -- Bogalot Road -- The Lost Dog Waltz -- The Road to Anakie -- The Road to Anakie (in G) -- Temperature's Rising -- Shepherd's Dance -- Extracts from Pachebel's Famous Canon -- Profile

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Why Oh Why Are Deserts Dry?

I'm ready for reading
On cover: All about deserts
TV tie-in

Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that! (Television program)

Dick and Sally think that all deserts are dry, dusty and bare, with nothing living there. Luckily, the Cat in the Hat is on hand to show them not all deserts are empty and hot, believe it or not! They set off on an amazing rhyming adventure and he shows them different deserts, from the sandy to the snowy.
this fun-filled story is perfect for early readers who are comfortable tackling new words and starting to read on their own.

Ice Is Nice!

I'm ready for reading
On cover: All about the North and South Poles
TV tie-in
Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that! (Television program)

Dick and Sally can't imagine how any animal could survive in the freezing temperatures of the snowy North and South Poles. Luckily, the Cat in the Hat has the SS Ice Chipper ready to take them on a slip-sliding rhyming trip and teach them all about the many creatures who like to live in the cold.
This action-packed story is perfect for early readers who are comfortable tackling new words and starting to read on their own.

The Little Old Man Who Looked Up At The Moon

The little old man looked up at the moon. 'Does the sky go on forever and ever?' he asked.
'Where do we come from? Where do we go? Why are we Here?'
The Little Old Man who Looked Up at the Moon touches on universal themes and will spark many a conversation between young and old.

Schnitzel von Krumm's Basketwork

Other Title: Basketwork
New Zealand author
Schnitzel von Krumm is not a happy dog when his well-meaning family replaces his beloved, broken-in basket with an uncomfortable, stylish new one. Suggested level: junior

A Nice Walk in the Jungle

Summary: As Miss Jellaby takes her class on a nice nature walk through a most extraordinary jungle, she does not realise that they are being followed by a very hungry boa constrictor. The richly coloured illustrations reveal a variety of jungle life and a different  story from the text

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

The little mouse will do anything to save his strawberry from the big, hungry bear. The bear holds all the cards, but who is playing the fox's role?

Sam's Fishing Adventure

Monique Russell listens to the stories her grandfather tells of his childhood adventures in the Torres Strait.
She has now retold one of them in his voice and illustrated it with her own vibrant pictures for the new generation to enjoy.


Series: Why Things Don't Work

Table of contents includes: Cousin Ed's helicopter -- Piston engines -- How a piston engine works -- The Wankel rotary engine -- Rotor blades and flight -- The rotor head -- Flapping blades -- Tail rotor -- Controls -- Test flight -- Emergency landing -- Other types of helicopters -- Parts of a helicopter

Summary: Annie helps her cousin Ed rebuild his helicopter. Provides information on the parts of a helicopter and how it works, told as a narrative in comic strip format

Curly from Shirley : The Christchurch Dog

"Curly from Shirley, the daft dog from Christchurch, is snooping for snacks. Join him as his rumbly tum gets him into all sorts of trouble!"--Back cover. Includes brief story of the author’s experience of the Christchurch Earthquake. Suggested level: junior.
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Hop on Pop

This charming book introduces young children to words that rhyme, such as Hop and Pop, Cup and Pup, Mouse and House, Tall and Small. And once they have learned to recognize one word, children soon find to their delight they can read another simply by changing the first letter. This title forms one of an exciting range of board books for two year olds upwards, adapted from some of the good doctor's best-loved works, including Fox in Socks, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Packed with zany artwork and riotous rhyme, these sturdy little books make the perfect introduction to Dr. Seuss for the youngest of children.

Spooky Riddles

Ghosts and witches, vampires and mummies - these characters are as popular with children as riddles are, so the combination of SPOOKY RIDDLES is a winner.

The Wheels on the Bus

Summary: An adaptation of the traditional children's song, but this time the bus is off around New Zealand with passengers you just might know: kiwi, penguin, tuatara, fantail and many more

Enough is Enough!

"New Zealand Post Book Awards finalist"--Cover
Summary: Henry's in a new country and he's off to the marketplace with Balthus the cat. But Henry has a problem. He doesn't speak the language. How will he get what he wants? And what if they give him the wrong thing


Series: Everyday Heroes

This book for 5-8 year olds explores the roles and responsibilities, daily activities, equipment, training and important personal qualities that a paramedic requires to do their job. It is part of a series inspired by people who demonstrate amazing contributions and commitment to our communities and aims to foster respect and understanding for those that help and protect us. Young students are encouraged to think about their own rights and responsibilities, and how they can be an 'everyday hero'.

Caterpillar Caterpillar

Summary: The author recalls her childhood experience of watching caterpillars hatch, grow, pupate, and emerge as butterflies. Suggested level: junior, primary.

Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters : a lullaby

Creep, gurgle, crawl, tumble! Meet two young monsters who are far from scary - they're too busy having fun! They go to school, play outside with their friends and eat after-school snacks. But like human children they also have a bedtime, whether they're ready for it or not.

Tappity-Tap! What Was That?

A very hairy but not-too-scary monster story! One dark, stormy night, Owl, Mouse and Rabbit are afraid. Could it be The Monster Of The Woods knocking at the door? This warm, funny tale about friendship has a wonderfully unexpected twist!

Mrs Armitage Queen of the Road

When the madcap Mrs Armitage is given a boring old car by her Uncle Cosmo it soon becomes clear that her driving skills leave a lot to be desired. Will she ever become Queen of the Road?


Series: The Olympics
Table of contents: Track events -- Field events -- Aquatic events -- Equestrian events -- Cycling events -- Target shooting -- Combat sports -- Summer team sports -- Racket sports -- Boat sports -- Strength and technique -- Winter Olympics

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

 Other Title: Deathly hallows
Summary: Burdened with the dark, dangerous, and seemingly impossible task of locating and destroying Voldermort's remaining Horcruxes, Harry, feeling alone and uncertain about his future, struggles to find the inner strength he needs to follow the path set out before him

Made With Love

There is something different about the Gingerbread Woman. The snowman feels it too. When you make things with love something special is bound to happen. From the award-winning author of The House That Went to Sea and The Were-Nana, this new picture book, beautifully illustrated by Gabriella Klepatski, is a warm and magical tale of love.
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

First page a 'Gingerbread  People' recipe.

I highly recommend this book.

The House That Went To Sea

Summary: Michael has to stay with his Granny by the sea while his parents are away on an adventure but when the house floats away the real adventures begin
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Monday, 4 June 2012

Matariki 2012


Link and information from the Auckland Libraries.

Resources for Matariki the (Maori New Year). Just click on the link above to find out what's happening at your library.

They have Matariki and Maori Resources  e.g.

Resource pages focusing on Matariki and the legends that surround it.
Recommended books about Matariki and Māori language, culture and whakapapa.
19th century Māori manuscripts in our Sir George Grey Collection.
A guide to researching your whakapapa.
As part of our Family history lunchtime series, join Robert Eruera from Auckland Libraries on Wednesday 27 June to learn about the New Zealand Māori Manuscripts.


Link and information from Cosmodome
Cosmodome Resources
Cosmodome School Visits - This would be wonderful for children to experience.
The Cosmodome is an inflatable planetarium that comes to you. We set up at your venue and you bring the students to us throughout the day. We teach according to age level and your requested topics of interest. Generally the sessions are 45 minutes long and cover a variety of topics using the various software tools but always maintaining a presenter led show with interactive teaching.

Friday, 1 June 2012

School Journal - May 2012

This material has come from

School Journal May 2012  - Level 2 has now been processed and is now in the Senior Resource Room.

A Bit of a Laugh by David Hill
Namu and Waeroa retold by Ross Calman

Charlie's Second Chance by Philippa Werry
Te Namu - the Nuisance Fly by Ross Calman

Shearing Shed by Wendy Clarke

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George at the Baseball Game

Other Title: Margret and H.A. Rey's Curious George at the baseball game
Other Title: Curious George at the baseball game
Based on the character of Curious George created by Margret and H.A. Rey
Summary: Curious George and the man in the yellow hat attend a baseball game to cheer on the Mudville Miners

My First Car Was Red

English ed
Summary: Your first car is always the best. And your first trip is unforgettable - even when it doesn't go exactly to plan. 'Grandpa brought me a surprise. 'For you,' he said. It was rusty. Really rusty. But you could tell what it was - a little car! Exactly my size. 'Diesel or gas?' I asked Grandpa. 'Sweat,' he said

I'm Small and Other Verses

How does it feel to be the first person to walk in newly fallen snow? To play on a swing on a windy day? To make a squishy picture with finger paints? Written by renowned poet Lilian Moore and warmly illustrated by Jill McElmurry, this collection of verses perfectly captures the memorable emotions and experience of childhood.

Cats' Whiskers

Meet Monica, Max, Minerva, Lin, Roly and Jake - six characterful cats - and the children who live with them. Discover all the funny things they get up to, and follow the love story of Monica and Jake.
Cat's Whiskers is a wonderfully rich picture book for children to explore, and for cat lovers to relish.

Lettice : The Bridesmaid

Other Title: Bridesmaid
Summary: Lettice has the honour of being the bridesmaid at her dance teacher's wedding

Lettice : The Dancing Rabbit

Collins Picture Books
Originally published: 2001
Summary: Learning to dance means Lettice will have to leave her brothers and sisters and venture into the rather frightening town. Although Lettice loves to dance, there are times when she wonders whether being a rabbit is the best thing in the world after all

What is a Community?

Acorn plus
Contents: People around the world -- Going to school -- Making music -- Shopping -- Wearing clothes -- Working on farms -- Playing games -- Familes at home -- Similar and different -- Different communities

Burglar Bill

Everything in Burglar Bill's life is stolen, from the toast, marmalade and coffee he has for breakfast to the bed he sleeps in. One night when he is out burgling, he comes across a box with holes in the lid on a doorstep. He picks it up of course and when he gets home he discovers, to his horror, that he has stolen a baby. He and the baby muddle along together until one night he is disturbed by a burglar - Burglar Betty. She is the mother of Burglar Bill's baby. Bill and Betty decide to reform and live honest lives; they return all the stolen goods, get married and live happily ever after!

My Brilliant Book

On title page Michael Broad is crossed out and replaced with: by me, Sam

Contains 1 mini book with blank pages

This is me, Sam.
And this is a book I made all by myself. It's got all sorts of BRILLIANT stuff in it, like hairy monsters, giant bugs, dinosaurs, aliens, a flying train and loads more.
There's even a FABULOUS surprise at the end. It's really, really, REALLY BRILLIANT.
Well, I think so anyway. Take a look inside and see for yourself!