Sunday, 19 August 2018

Absence from the Blog

To all that are using/viewing this blog.

I am on leave from School for 2018 due to caring for my terminally ill husband. So hopefully this blog will start again when I return to work.

Hope you are still enjoying viewing the blog.

Friday, 11 August 2017

BOOK WEEK - 11th August 2017 - New Zealand Book Council ' Writers in Schools' visiting author - Chris Gurney.

Favona Primary School students and teachers had the privilege of having Chris Gurney and her friend Jill to come and visit on the 11th August 2017 through 'Writers in Schools' - New Zealand Book Council.

Chris is an author. She presented a slideshow of her story and how she got into writing. She read a few stories to student.  The students really enjoyed interacting with her props as she read the stories.

Previously in the morning Chris was a judge for our Character Costume Parade. It was such fun, teachers and student dressing up in their wonderful costumes.

Fun time had by all!

Classes created some wonderful Book Art on their classroom door or window.
So much fun!

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Scholastic Book Fair 2017

Scholastic Book Fair 2017

Thanks to everybody that made this years Book Fair a success.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Zeke Meeks vs the big blah-rific birthday

 Other Title: Zeke Meeks versus the big blah-rific birthday
 Other Title: Big blah-rific birthday
Summary: Zeke Meeks will be nine soon, but he is not looking forward to a party that his sisters want to take over and nobody but his closest friends want to attend - but the alternative is going to Grace Chang's party on the same day, and she is really scary

Zeke Meeks vs the super stressful talent show

 Other Title: Zeke Meeks versus the super stressful talent show
 Other Title: Super stressful talent show
Summary: Zeke's class is having a talent show, and Brassy Glass, from America's Next Superstar, will be coming to the show as the judge - but Zeke cannot figure out what talent he actually has and, as usual, his sisters are no help at all

Zeke Mees vs his big phony cousin

 Other Title: Zeke Meeks versus his big phony cousin
Summary: As if coming up with a school project at the last minute is not enough trouble, Zeke has to deal with his cousin Sam - who is just too perfect to be completely believable

Zeke Meeks vs the pain-in-the neck pets

 Other Title: Zeke Meeks versus the pain-in-the-neck pets
Summary: Zeke wants to bring home the class hamster, so to prove that he's responsible he promises that he will take care of the family dog for a whole week - after that it is one disaster after another

Counting in the South Pacific

Summary: A colourful picture book depicting scenes from the South Pacific that is aimed at supporting preschool children with numeracy skills 1-10. The simple rhyming text develops numeracy skills as children learn the rhyme off-by-heart and link the text to the illustrations. (Publisher)

Fizzy pop

New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Summary: A rhyming story. Fizzy Lizzy loves soft drinks. But during the school cross-country race, Lizzy is involved in a carbonated catastrophe. Can her classmates save her? And will Lizzy ever change her fizzy ways

The tunnel in our backyard

Summary: The Tunnel in our backyard brings to life for children the history of Auckland - specifically Mount Albert, Point Chevalier, Te Atatu and Waterview. Jennifer and her whanau go to Te Atatu to help her cousin Tui's family move house to Mount Albert. What they learn from Nanny on the way about Matariki and the Waterview Tunnel leads on to a big discovery once they reach Mount Albert - that old tunnels also run under here! Under the guidance of Nanny and new neighbour Tefere, the kids relive old and more recent history and follow in the giant footsteps of the ancestor Ruarangi from Mount Albert down to Meola Reef in Point Chevalier