Summary: In this rhyming story, Slinky Malinki the cat likes to wake up very early in the morning and thinks his family should too, but his family is not so sure. Suggested level: junior
This blog will house my work and resources that I've acquired over the years. My blog started off with my previous employment when I was librarian assistant at the primary school. School Library resources This blog was previously called favonaschoollibrary.blogspot.com You can view my other blog with my photography at https://enjoyingmemories.blogspot.com/
Heather keeps falling into pools, puddles and troughs, especially when she is wearing her best clothes. Concerned for her safety, her parents make her wear water wings. Finally, she copes with her fear of water by learning to swim. Suggested level: junior. |
Summary: Choose a character, then turn the page to find out what happens to you. Suggested level: junior, primary. |