Thursday, 27 September 2012

Classic Kiwiana : an essential guide to New Zealand popular culture

Kiwiana is a name that identifies quirky objects and images that have endured changing fads and trends to become our icons, stored in the memories of generations of New Zealanders and recalled with amusement and affection. This book from the authors of the very first Kiwiana Book, New Zealand, New Zealand, is a unique collection of images, distilled from thousands of possibilities, which draws together some of the more colourful threads of our national character. From Number 8 wire to Swanndri, from Weetbix to Wattie's, Classic Kiwiana helps explain life in a country of 40 million sheep, four million people - and a drink that is world famous in New Zealand.

The Man From The Land Of Fandango

Summary: The man from the land of Fandango is coming to pay you a call! He wears a hat with a tassel and a polka-dot tie - and he juggles and bounces and dances with bears, bison, baboons, kangaroos and even dinosaurs. He's wonderful and amazing - so watch out for him, and watch carefully - because he only appears every 500 years
New Zealand author

Make 'em laugh

Cover subtitle: jokes, riddles and rib-ticklers
The jokes and riddles in this book cover a lot of territory. There are jokes about vampires, ghost and witches; things to make you laugh about school days, farts, animals and insects; and crazy knock knock jokes about every subject under the sun, including cannibals and lepers. There's even a couple of off-the-wall words of wisdom. Something for every kid to enjoy in the schoolyard!

The Whopping Great Big Bonkers Joke Book

What is the definition of a snail? A slug with a crash helmet. What sound do hedgehogs make when they kiss? 'Ouch!' This book features jokes that include knock knocks, animal quackers and monster madness.

Jeremy Strong's Laugh-Your-Socks-Off Classroom Chaos Joke Book

 Other Title: Laugh-your-socks-off classroom chaos joke book
 Other Title: Classroom chaos joke book
"Starring Miss Pandemonium, Captain Blackpatch and Siggy the Viking. Did somebody say VIKING? Arrrrrrrggggggh

Horse Hijack

Ella's horse, Silver Banjo, the Olympic showjumping champion, has been stolen! Mission fox are on the trail. But how will they get past an iron gate, an electronic lock, a huge stonewall and a pack of guard dogs?

Snake Escape

Summary: Jordan, Harry and Myrtle are on a mission to rescue an escaped pet snake. Bella is a giant hungry python who's spied a cockatoo for breakfast. Can Mission Fox save the day

Panda Chase

Summary: When a truck tips over on the way to the zoo, Mission Fox has to recover Pingwu, the missing giant panda. But when Myrtle tries to help, Pingwu ends up in a water-filled quarry. How will they get him out

Go Goanna

Summary: The goanna's claws clung to Jordan's arm and its big, scaly tail dropped over his face. Harry and Jordan are taking Myrtle to the school's Pet Olympics. But after they stop to perform a Mission Fox rescue on the way, nothing goes to plan. Can Mission Fox cope with a large runaway goanna, a very cross principal and a tall tree with a small, scared boy in it

Zebra Rampage

Harry and Jordan Fox are on a chairlift ride at Nullambine Zoo when they spy a baby zebra in danger. It looks like a Code Bright Red mission. Can they outrun a charging zebra and outsmart a river of hippos in time to save the baby's life?

Dolphin Rescue

There's no rest for Mission Fox - not even when they're on holiday! Off the coast of Reef Island, Harry and Jordan spot a baby dolphin in trouble. But is Mission Fox a match of a ring of hungry sharks?

School Journal September 2012

This material has come from

School Journal September - Level 3 has now been processed and is now in the Senior Resource Room.

North by Adrienne Frater
Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains by Bernadine Ngaheu
The Bull Run by Paul Mason

Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter by Barbara Dobson
The Dinosaur Hunter by Norman Billbrough
Jellyfish by Wendy Matthews

Last Act by Greg O'Connell

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Madison Moon and the hot-air balloon

Summary: Tired of the stress and being stuck in traffic, Madison Moon buys a hot-air balloon and takes to the skies. But when everybody else decides to do the same, she goes back to her car, leaving them to fight for space in the wild blue yonder. A story in rhyme
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Stop That Stew!

North American ed
Summary: On the way in his little red car to share a big pot of stew with his friend, Mr. Winkle is unaware of the long procession forming behind him. A story in rhyme
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

The Great White Man-Eating Shark - a Cautionary Tale

Puffin picture story books
Summary: Greedy to have the cove where he swims all to himself, Norvin, who looks a bit like a shark, pretends to be one, scaring off the other swimmers and enjoying the resulting happy aquatic solitude, until he is discovered by an amorous female shark.

Monday, 3 September 2012

School Journal - August 2012

This material has come from

School Journal August  - Level 2 has now been processed and is now in the Senior Resource Room.

A Closer Look by Philippa Werry
Awa by Greg O'Connell
What a Disaster! by Katie Furze
How to Make Kutai Fritters by Charlene Mataio
Kutai by Ross Calman

Kutai Fritters by Charlene Mataio