Tuesday, 31 July 2012

How To Keep Kids Safe With Dogs

Too many children suffer the tragedy of dog bites. Statistics show that over the past two years in Hamilton City alone, over forty children under the age of fourteen were reported victims of dog attacks (source HCC Animal Control). One third of those incidences occurred where the child and dog lived in the same house. It is widely accepted that the majority of these distressing episodes could be avoided if children (and adults) were more aware of canine behaviour and understood how to conduct themselves around dogs. HOW TO KEEP KIDS SAFE WITH DOGS is a fun story about Sam and Susan getting a dog and learning how to keep safe. It can be shared as a read aloud picture book with young children or enjoyed and read alone by older children. With full-page illustrations the story is colourful and interactive as it teaches seven important lessons to help keep children safe around dogs.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Would you rather be a Pollywog?

Cover subtitle: All about pond life
Near your house is a place
of which I am fond.
It's a body of water
that we call a pond.

100 Science Experiments

Other Title: One hundred science experiments


List of experiments: The Sun -- Light -- Seeing -- Sound -- Forces -- Energy -- Structure -- Pressure -- Magnetism -- Electricity -- States of matter -- Surface tension -- Mixtures -- Acids and alkalis -- Paper -- Chemical reactions -- Crystals -- Weather -- Renewable energy -- Nature -- Microbes -- Body and mind 


Series: Popcorn. In The Past
This book tells you all about the different toys and games in the past.
. Find out how Victoriean children used to play with hoops.
. Learn about the first go-karts and make your own toy car.

Happy Birthday To You!

With a special handshake and a Birthday Pal-alace the Birthday Bird from Katroo reminds us all just how special we are!

I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew

In life there are troubles of more than one kind - some come from ahead and some from behind. With Dr. Seuss' help you'll learn to tackle them all!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Summary: In Victorian London, when a petty thief falls through a glass roof trying to escape from the police, what should have been his death marks the beginning of a whole new life. After his broken body is reconstructed, he adopts a dual existence as both a respectable, wealthy gentleman named Montmorency, and his degenerate servant Scarper. But he must always be on guard - the smallest mistake could reveal his secret and ruin both his lives
"The Nestle Smarties Book Prize Silver Award winner"--Back cover

The Haunted Castle

Summary: Uncle Samuel S. Stingysnout invites the whole Stilton family to creepy, faraway Penny Pincher Castle for a big surprise

Harry and the Dinosaurs roar to the rescue!

Other Title: Roar to the rescue
1st Australian ed
Summary: Harry has a pocketful of dinosaurs now. On his key ring is a complete set of plastic B.U.Ds-Back-Up Dinosaurs. If he really needs help he can run his finger along a B.U.D. head-to-tail and it will arrive-life-sized! When Harry hears that Mr Oakley has been robbed by a nasty crook, he thinks he and his friends Jack, Charlie and Siri can solve the crime. And after a night-time visit from Spinosaurus, he knows there are lots of friends he can call on for back-up

Pyramid Puzzle

Shadow seems to have uncovered a secret in an Egyptian pyramid but what and where?
Special Agient EJ12 will need to dig deep and unravel the puzzle before Shadow escapes with ancient treasure.
That's the easy part. As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything.
So why does she think she can't trust her friends?

Perhaps she can after all...

Show Me the Honey

Step into reading. Step 3, Reading on your own
Summary: Where does honey come from? The Cat in the Hat knows that! It comes from bees, and what better way to learn about honey making than to visit inside a hive and see firsthand how it's done
Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that! (Television program)

The Secret Pony

On cover--"The girl who talks to animals
Molly has a magical way with animals!
Silver the pony has a very special secret. He's really a unicorn and more than anything he wants to be free.
Can Molly find somewhere he will be happy?

Harry and the Dinosaurs a Monster Surprise!

Other title: A Monster Surprise!
1st Australian ed
Harry thinks he's too old for his bucketful of dinosaurs, but they think he's wrong!
He looked after them when he was little and now they want to stick by him forever...
When a mysterious set of plastic dinosaur cards appears on his key-ring, Harry discovers he can call on an army of Back-Up Dinosaurs. Just a rub with his finger calls up some Monster-sized muscle!
In this adventure, Harry and his friends are kayaking when they discover someone is stealing rear birds' eggs. But here's a surprise in store for the thief!

Boris on show

Summary: Boris is off to the show! It's the Hogg Bay Show and Boris is excited.  He has entered everything from Best Pumpkin to Best Pet, and he's even baked his own carrot cake. Boris wants is to win first prize. But Frank the sheep has other ideas. Can Boris save his cake and the Show? (Back cover)

Slow down Boris

Summary: Boris is excited! The whole class is going on a school excursion to the city. They're visiting the museum, the park and the Road Safety School. There's so much to see and do, and Boris wants to try everything, including a big red bike that looks like it could go really fast. You'll never be bored when Boris is around! With his big dreams and super-sized imagination, anything is possible, and adventure is guaranteed

Monday, 23 July 2012

How to Help the Earth-

Summary: The Lorax offers readers easy suggestions for going green. In rhyming text
Featuring characters from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. (P. facing t.p.)

My, Oh My- a Butterfly

On cover: All about butterflies
Summary: Rhyming text explains the nature and habits of butterflies

Oh, the things you can do that are good for you!

Summary: With the help of the staff and equipment at a Seussian spa, the Cat in the Hat explains the basics of healthy living, from eating right and getting enough exercise and sleep, to having a positive body image, to the distance and speed of a typical sneeze! (Publisher)

The Frog Footy Player

Summary: A rhyming Kiwi retelling of the traditional Grimms Brothers tale, The frog prince. In this case the princess is a rugby-mad kiwi girl called Kiri, and the frog is in fact an All Black trapped in a frog's body. (Publisher)
Frog prince

Pick 'n' Mix : assorted Kiwi stories

Other Title: Pick and mix :  
Vol 2
New Zealand authors; New Zealand illustrator
Table of Contents: Vanishing Cream / Feana Tu'akoi -- You Have Mail / David Hill -- Cocky / Elizabeth Pulford -- Jaws in a Jam / John Parker -- Shopping at the Mall / Janice Marriott -- Cold Blood / Lorraine Orman -- Monster George / Norman Bilbrough -- Happy Lemonade / Philippa Werry -- Dog Tired / Rachel Hayward -- Finnigan and the Pirates / Sherryl Jordan -- Jesse Ray's Mum / Alison Roberston -- The Monster Under My Bed / Melinda Szymanik -- Rudy the Rat / William Taylor -- Do Not Push / Kyle Mewburn -- High time for Change / Jennifer Beck -- Back Seat Brigade / Janice Marriott -- From the Authors

Lily goes skitter skating

Summary: Lily is the littlest angel at Amelia's Angel Academy and wants to help the other angels win the Archangel Trophy which is currently held by All Saints Angel School. The contest is snow sports which Lily is not very good at. Lily's nemesis from the Bossy Boots' Boarding House, Wanda Westbrook, is determined to thwart Lily at every stage. However when Wanda gets into difficulty in the last round of the competition Lily goes to her aid and thereby loses points which could have won them the trophy. Lily's good deed does not go unnoticed and the Amelia's Angel Academy wins the trophy
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator


Other Title: Spinorottysaurus
Summary: How do you stop a rampaging spinosaurus from eating the last dracorex? Arg, the most evolved Neanderthal boy in his tribe, has to get help fast... or he'll be extinct too
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Gumdigger : Northland 1899-1900

Redesigned ed
Summary: In the hard times of the late 1800s Reuben's father goes into debt in order to move the family to the Waipara district where he runs the local store. They stock everything from hardware to food, but the locals are not in a position to pay, and as Reuben's diary begins the family has been "booted out" by the bank. The only employment available to Mr Radcliffe is gum digging. It is hard life in uncomfortable accommodation, and brings them into conflict with the local Maori trying to retain their land. Includes historical notes and photographs
First published in the My story series as: Poor man's gold
New Zealand author
Poor man's gold

Lily lands in bubble trouble

Summary: Lily auditions for the choir but then falls sick with spottimonities and is quarantined in the sick bay. Despite the rules all her friends visit her. Then Frumplepuss (cat) goes missing and Lily has an idea where he may have hidden and slips out of bed to look for him. During the chase both Framplepuss and Lily end up in the soapie bubbles of the laundry wash. Needless to say Lily has to get the cat cleaned up for the party and adds a few extra decorations to make him really pretty. The finale is everyone going to the celebration and Lily getting the honour of lighting the candles. (Publisher)
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Thea Stilton and the Secret City

Summary: The Thea Sisters travel to the Andes Mountains in Peru to find a missing friend. Along the way, they stumble upon clues leading them to a hidden city. Can the Thea Sisters find their friend, and the treasure of the Secret City

The Power in the Storm

Earthquake damage leaves Winding Circle vulnerable to pirate attack. Soon tow things become terrible clear: the pirates have a powerful new weapon. and they have an accomplice within Winding Circle. It is up to Tris and her loyal friends Sandry, Daja and Briar, to discover the traitor and weave their magic together to defend their home.

Thye Shy Piglet

On cover--"The girl who talks to animals
Molly has a magical way with animals!
When Molly meets a piglet at the local farm, she can't believe he is scared to play with others.

Can Molly help him overcome his shyness?

Secret Safari

Summary: Someone is hunting the rare black rhino for its precious horns, but is the evil agency Shadow responsible? Nothing is as it seems and special agent EJ12 will need to look beneath the surface to stop more animals being hurt. That's the easy part, since EJ12, Emma Jacks, can do anything. So why does she find dealing with the new girl at school so hard

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?

Bright and early books for beginning beginners
Mr. Brown is an expert at imitating all sorts of noises and animal sounds.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid : Cabin Fever

Summary: Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he's innocent! Or at least sort of.The authorities are closing in, but then a surprise blizzard hits and the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he's going to have to face the music but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays? (Publisher)

Wild Stories

It has been no fun wriggling around in the pond as a larva and the only thing that had kept Sid going had been the thought of biting a nice human leg.
Sid the mosquito isn't the only one exploring the delights of the house called fourteen and its overgrown garden. Derek the rat is sniffing out old socks for supper. Ethel the chicken is busy trying to persuade the world that she is not an orange, while Arnold the mouse is spending more time in the trap than out of it. Frank the ant has a terrible headache and just wants to be left alone, and Joey the budgie is having a bath in the dog's bowl
Colin Thompson's acclaimed stories of the lives of the inhabitants of one particular garden are now, finally, in one newly illustrated collection.

Judy Moody, Girl Detective

Summary: When a puppy that is being trained as a police dog goes missing, third-grader Judy forms a detective agency to solve the mystery, imitating her literary heroine, Nancy Drew

Lulu and the Cat in the Bag

Summary: A mysterious bag is left on Lulu's doorstep - containing a huge, golden cat. Where has the cat come from and can Lulu find it a home of its own

I'm Not A Supermouse!

Summary: Geronimo is a total 'fraidy mouse. So his super-sporty and very brave friend Bruce Hyena drags him off on a series of adventures to toughen him up

Clam - I - Am!

1st ed
On cover: All about seaside creatures

Hello! I'm the Fish.
To the beach let us go!
The Fish Channel asked me
to star in a show...

Join the Cat in the Hat and the Fish as they introduce beginning readers to the many different kinds of creatures that live in or near the sea.

The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

What a lot of hats Bartholomew has in this imaginative and clever tale! Find out what happens when the king asks him to remove them... one by one.

A Whale of a Tale

1st ed
On cover: All about porpoises, dolphins and whales

What's the story today?
Funny that you should ask
We're gong to take on a whale of a task...

Join the Cat in the Hat as he introduces beginning readers to whales, dolphins and porpoises.

Did I Ever Tell You How Licky You Are?

In this hilarious tale of mishap and misadventure, Dr. Seuss reminds us that there is always someone, somewhere, worse off then ourselves.

Miles and Miles of Reptiles

1st ed
On cover: All about reptiles

I'm the Cat in the Hat
in my Crocodile Car.
We're off to find reptiles
wherever they are

Let the coolest cat in town introduce you to the amazing world of reptiles, with funny pictures and brilliant rhyme!

George's Dragon

Summary: George has a new pet - but Sparky is no ordinary lizard! Soon he is growing bigger and bigger, and he can't stop accidentally setting things on fire. Can George convince his mum and dad that dragons make very good pets - and wonderful best friends

Friday, 20 July 2012

There's a Hole in my Bucket

Summary: Henry's bucket has a hole and as Liza gives the instructions on how to fix it, he in turn gives her all the reasons why he can't
New Zealand illustrator
CD included.


First published as Kingfisher young knowledge : reptiles
On cover: Includes fun and easy projects
What is a reptile -- Different types -- Temperature control -- Reptile skin -- Reptile senses -- Foot functions -- Fangs and teeth -- Moving on land -- Moving in water -- Finding food -- Finding a mate -- Reptile eggs -- Growing up -- Keeping safe -- Dragons and devils -- Using poisons -- A future for reptiles -- Project: Lizard cape -- Project: Pop-up croc -- Project: Snake stick -- Project: Sticky tongues -- Glossary -- Parent and teacher notes -- Did you know? -- Reptiles quiz -- Find out more -- Index

Oceans and Seas

On cover: Includes fun and easy projects
Table of contents includes: Planet ocean -- Salty seas -- Undersea landscape -- Tides and waves -- Weather-making sea -- Living history -- Fish rule -- Ocean mammals -- Super seabirds -- Who eats whom? -- Coral reefs -- Kelp jungles -- Frozen feasts -- Deep oceans -- Ocean mysteries -- Studying the sea -- All fished out -- What a waste
Summary: An introduction to the fascinating underwater world, from the deepest oceans to the shallows, and the creatures and plants that make salt water their home. Discover the rare mola mola fish and meet the colorful inhabitants of coral reefs. Also, find out how people use the waters of the world, from sports and leisure to fishing and treasure hunting

The Book of... Where?

Ever wondered where it is night all the time? Or where the Twilight Zone is? And just where does chocolate grow on trees? This book answers a wide range of 'where?' questions and provides further information with fun-filled facts. Appealing artworks help explain the answers, allowing children to build up their knowledge on a variety of subjects.

The Great Orlando

Summary: Sunday Jones is a boy with a loving mother who protected him from a miserable and cruel father. Then his mother dies, leaving Sunday's father to make his life a misery. For the end of year concert, Sunday decides he will be a magician, The Great Orlando. On the night he impresses the audience (except his father) with his card tricks. For his final act, he 'disappears' in a cloud of smoke, only his hat remains on the stage. (Publisher)
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

The Book Of... Which?

Ever wondered which is the hottest planet? Or which bird can fly underwater? And just which city is in the sky? This book answers a wide range of 'which?' questions and provides further information with fun-filled facts. Appealing artworks help explain the answers, allowing children to build up their knowledge on a variety of subjects.

Planet Earth

On cover: Includes fun and easy projects
Table of contents includes: What is the Earth? -- Inside the Earth -- The water cycle -- Weather and climate -- Clouds, rain and snow -- Wind -- Hurricanes and tornadoes -- Earthquakes -- Volcanoes -- Mountains -- Rivers and lakes -- The oceans -- The Poles -- Deserts -- Forests -- Life on Earth -- Earth's riches -- Looking after the Earth -- Project: make a volcano -- Project: make a rain gauge -- Project: make a windmill -- Project: forest habitat -- Did you know? -- Planet Earth quiz

Beach Bag Boogie

Summary: Jasper is camping with his family at the beach. When he wakes up in a tent, at first he doesn't remember where he is, but soon the various sights and sounds of a day at the beach make him dance with joy. A story in rhyme
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

The King, tired of rain, snow, sun, and fog, commands his magicians to make something else come down from the sky, but when Oobleck falls, in sticky greenish droplets, Bartholomew Cubbins shames the King and saves the kingdom. Suggested level: primary.

The Tooth Book

In this jaunty rhyming tale, Dr. Seuss takes a hilarious look at teeth, where to find the, what we do with them and how to look after them! Some of what he says is sensible, some of it silly, but all of it is guaranteed to raise a laugh.