Friday, 15 April 2016

Dharma's Diwali

On cover: A story from the Island of Fiji
Summary: Dharma, a young girl from Lautoka, describes how she and her friends and family celebrate Diwali, the festival of light

Gospel day

On cover: A story from the Cook Islands
Summary: Mana describes his life on Aitutaki and community preparations for celebrating Gospel Day, when church groups join together to sing hymns, and perform dramas and dance

Kite festival

On cover: A story from New Zealand
Summary: Mauriora and Tahu make a traditional manu taratahi kite, using materials from their environment, and fly it at the Otaki kite festival

Fau Fibres

On cover: A story from the Islands of Samoa
Summary: Maimai describes how he and his family prepare and use the bark fibres of the fau tree (Hibiscus) in Samoa to make string, costumes, toys, and animal bedding. Includes instructions for making your own titi fau

Te ano

On cover: Using natural resources in Kiribati
Summary: Describes the traditional game of Te Kabwe, as played in Kiribati, and how two young girls weave a new ball (ano) out of pandanus leaves when the old one is worn out


On cover: Using natural resources in Tonga
Summary: It's the peanut season in Tonga. Sikei and 'Oiapa earn pocket money by going to the plantation to help their uncle harvest his peanuts. Includes details about how to grow peanuts yourself

The mighty mangroves

On cover: Using natural resources in Samoa
Summary: Milo, a young boy, describes the ecology of the mangrove forests along the south coast of Samoa. He explains how the mangroves are important to the local community, and the importance of protecting the ecosystem

Friday, 1 April 2016

Suz and the honey bee adventure

Book Sixteen

When a black kitten arrives at the Rescued Cats’ Centre she is given the name Suz. As Suz grows up, it becomes clear a mistake has been made for ‘she’ is, in fact, a ‘he’. One day, a bee goes buzzing by and Suz, being a curious kind of cat, decides to follow him on an exciting adventure.copied from

Tiddles' and Oscar's learning adventure

Book Fifteen

When Tiddles first comes to the Rescued Cats’ Centre she is underweight and highly strung. Despite the best of food and veterinary care, Tiddles remains small even as an adult. Highly nervous, she avoids other cats and prefers her own company. On the other hand, Oscar is only a tiny kitten when he is found in a plastic bag thrown in a rubbish bin. He is rescued and hand raised by Police Officer, Debi Leahy, and grows to become a strong, confident, bully-boy cat. When Oscar visits the Rescued Cats’ Centre, Tiddles becomes a target of his teasing.
The story raises the issue of bullying, and how it affects others. The book may be used with young children, as a tool to promote discussion on a difficult topic.
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Nelson's exciting ocean adventure

Book  Seventeen

A runaway cat is a regular visitor to the SPCA in Nelson. Although placed in good homes, he is not able to settle and is soon back at the SPCA. Chrissy and Richard from the Rescued Cats’ Centre are on holiday in Nelson when they hear a radio plea from the SPCA asking for help to find homes for animals. They meet the runaway cat and a bond is formed. They name the cat, Nelson after his home town. Before he can return home to the Rescued Cats’ Centre in Auckland, Nelson must first travel across the Cook Strait and experience an exciting ocean adventure.
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Squeakie and Bree's secret gardening adventure

Book Eighteen

Squeakie is an outdoor cat and loves to prowl in Richard’s vegetable garden. Bree, a boxer dog, lives next door with his owner, Gail. Gail has a pet called Bunny Bob. When Bunny Bob smells fresh carrots in the air he begs his friends, Squeakie and Bree, to find the garden and dig up some carrots for him to eat. Bree is delighted to help but Squeakie is not so sure. “That’s stealing isn’t it?” she asks.The book can be used as a discussion document with children in two ways. a) Behavioural – discussion re ‘helping’ ourselves to things that belong to someone else, the message being always ask the owner first if you may have some fruit, flowers or vegetables. b) Learning about gardening and linking the story to school gardening programmes.
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Squeak goes on a mystery adventure

Book Thirteen

When three little kittens came to stay at the Rescued Cats Centre, they were favourites with everyone. Squeak was the cutest kitten of all but she had one really bad habit. Squeak just wouldn’t listen.
Squeak’s story provides opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss two concepts with children – losing a pet and the importance of listening.
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White Chin goes on an outdoor adventure

Book Fourteen

White Chin is a cat that eats too much, is overweight and avoids exercise. A visit to the vet clinic makes it clear that things need to change. Once out- doors White Chin discovers there are lots of interesting things to do. In fact she is so busy she doesn’t have time to worry about overeating and she has fun.
This book is a useful tool to lead discussion into two areas:
1) The importance of healthy eating, regular exercise and sleep.
2) Exercising with a purpose or participating in sport. Many kinds of physical activity are helpful to keep us fit, healthy and happy.
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