Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Dear Dad

Includes 5 pages with letters in attached envelopes and 2 lift the flap pages. Cover has cutout for personal photo
Summary: Read the letters to share in all the funny and touching moments as animals from all over the world let their dads know how great they really are! Join in the fun and write your own letter to your dad inside too

Swim : the story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai

New Zealand author
Summary: Michael is keeping a list of all the reasons why he hates school. When he has to do a project on families, he finally comes to realise that the real reason he hates school is nothing to do with school, but with a family tragedy in the past

Lava Beast

First published in 2011 as Volcan
Summary: Kai Masters is a Border Guard. He must battle beasts to keep Earth safe. Things have changed in  Beastium. There are new beasts. Combo beasts. Will Kai and his Jet-Drill be able to stop the lava beast