Friday, 15 February 2013

Critter Jokes and Riddles

Other Title: Critter jokes and riddles
Table of contents: Critters that swim -- Critters with fur -- More critters with fur -- Cold-blooded critters -- Scary cold-blooded critters -- Big & small cat critters -- Critters with hooves -- Tall critters with hooves -- Critters with wings -- Feathered barnyard critters -- How do critters say good-bye? -- Other critter good-byes

Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Spirit of Cameron of Ambury Park Farm

What did Cameron and Roger decide to do for their friends who wore Gumboots as a big surprise for Christmas?

Roger the Rooster of Ambury Park Farm

1st ed
New Zealand author; New Zealand illustrator
Summary: Roger the Rooster is abandoned at Ambury Park Farm and is soon enjoying life there. One day, while out walking, he hears a cry for help from a trapped lamb. Will Roger be able to save him.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Dinosaur Poems

Dinosaurs stuck in the bath, eating the fridge, knocking on the door, singing in chorus, having a party, grinding up bones, bellowing, roaring, raving, dancing.
Tyrannosaurus Rex, part beast and part bird, Brontosaurus, as long as a cricket pitch, Diplodocus, plodding through the swamp, Ankylosaurus, built like a tank, Stegosaurus, who's a vegetarian, and finally the Dinosaur in the museum.

Here's a collection of poems about every kind of dinosaur you can think of - including the real reason why they all disappeared.

Time Out

Along a country road Kit runs to escape his loneliness. Then a great darkness - and the whole world has changed.
Where is Kit now? Things are the same, yet different. Kit still runs but he not longer runs along. His school and home are the same, yet different too.
And who is the bony, edgy girl who seems to like him? How does she know that the race they have to run together will change everything?

A novel full of suspense from popular author David Hill for teenage readers.

Finding Nemo Joke Book

What's funnier that a barrel of sea monkeys?
The Finding Nemo Joke Book, that's is!